The Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Japanese Woman. A Gaijin Groom's Guide! - Dating Across Cultures (2024)

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  • The Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Japanese Woman.
  • The Pros of Marrying a Japanese Woman.
  • The Cons of Marrying a Japanese Woman.
  • Is it worth it to marry a Japanese woman?
  • Why are more and more foreign men looking for Japanese wives?
  • How to find the best Japanese woman to marry?
  • A Quick 6-Point List of the Pros and Cons of Marrying a Japanese Woman!
  • The Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Japanese Woman. Conclusion.

The Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Japanese Woman.

There are both pros and cons to taking this big step, and as a gaijin (foreigner), there are some additional things to keep in mind.

In this post, we’ll take a look at all of the different aspects of marriage to a Japanese woman, from the good to the bad to the practical considerations.

So whether you’re already married or just considering it, read on for everything you need to know!

The Pros of Marrying a Japanese Woman.

Marrying a Japanese woman has many advantages.

First and foremost, she will be sure to fill your life with fun and enthusiasm given the extraordinary level of warmth and positivity that’s typically present in the culture.

On top of that, you’ll benefit from her traditional cultural values like respect for family, relationships, and community.

She’s also likely to be quite interactive in all the activities in your life, which will bring liveliness and vigor to your day-to-day life.

Above all, Japanese women are often incredibly kindhearted, so you’ll know they have a strong moral character worth being around.

If you’re lucky enough to have a Japanese wife by your side, she will surely bring so much joy and comfort it can only be compared to a cherry blossom blooming on a sunny spring morning.

The Cons of Marrying a Japanese Woman.

Marrying a Japanese woman has its pros and cons. For one, cultural differences can provide an interesting element to marriage by introducing unique aspects into day-to-day living.

On the other hand, navigating these cultural differences can be tricky and potentially create difficulty if both partners don’t stay open to learning new things and understanding each other’s perspective.

Moreover, certain power dynamics may exist in the relationship itself that could be difficult to manage due to language barriers.

This is especially true given that international marriages often take place between partners who don’t share the same native language.

Lastly, a Japanese woman may miss certain customs of home as well as close friends and family which could create a feeling of homesickness or isolation when living away from their native country.

All of these cons should be taken into consideration before entering into a long-term marriage with a Japanese woman.

Is it worth it to marry a Japanese woman?

When it comes to deciding whether or not it’s worth it to marry a Japanese woman, it really depends on the individual.

The qualities that usually accompany a Japanese woman including dependability, strong values, and hardworking nature can be incredibly attractive in a spouse.

However, any marriage still requires compromise and communication for it to be successful.

All things considered, Japan is home to many wonderful women that could make loving and supportive partners if both parties are willing to put in the effort.

In the end, you must decide if marrying in Japan is something that would bring value and happiness into your life.

Why are more and more foreign men looking for Japanese wives?

Japanese women are known for their beauty, grace and loyalty, which has made them a very attractive option for prospective foreign husbands.

Couples from around the world who want to cultivate a meaningful relationship can look to the traditional values of Japanese culture for help.

These values revolve around devotion, politeness, and respect, qualities that many couples find missing in more westernized cultures.

In addition to these main traits, Japanese women have formed themselves into successful members of society, with strong values and attributes that men find impressive.

For all of these reasons and more, foreign men are flocking to Japan in search of potential partners and soulmates to form meaningful bonds rooted in honesty and trustworthiness.

How to find the best Japanese woman to marry?

When it comes to finding the perfect Japanese woman to marry, there are some tips to keep in mind.

First of all, look for someone open-minded and willing to learn about new cultures and languages.

Additionally, try to find someone who can both appreciate and understand your culture as much as their own.

It’s also important to research the beliefs and values of her family and make sure they align with yours.

Last but certainly not least, have meaningful conversations with whomever you’re interested in before making any major life choices.

By taking this proactive approach you’ll make sure you’ve found the best Japanese woman for yourself!

A Quick 6-Point List of the Pros and Cons of Marrying a Japanese Woman!

  1. She May Not Be Willing To Move To Your Country.

If you are looking for a woman who is willing to move to your country and live there permanently, you may want to reconsider marrying a Japanese woman.

While there are certainly exceptions, most Japanese women prefer to remain in their home country rather than relocate.

This means that if you are looking for a long-term relationship or marriage, you may need to consider finding a woman who is willing to move.

  1. The Language Barrier Can Be Difficult To Overcome.

If you do not speak Japanese, you will likely find it difficult to communicate with your wife on a daily basis.

Even if she is fluent in English, there will still be times when cultural differences make communication difficult.

This can be frustrating at times, but it is important to remember that patience and understanding are key in any relationship.

  1. She May Expect You To Help Support Her Family Financially.

It may be surprising to learn this, since most view Japan as a rich, modern, and for practical purposes, a western economy, but in Japan, it is common for families to expect their sons-in-law to support them financially.

This means that if you marry a Japanese woman, she may expect you to help her pay for her parents’ medical bills or other expenses.

While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it is important to be aware of this expectation before getting married.

  1. Your Wedding Will Likely Be A Big Production.

If you are planning on having a traditional wedding ceremony, be prepared for it to be a big production. In Japan, weddings are often lavish affairs that involve hundreds of guests and cost thousands of dollars.

While this can be an exciting experience, it is important to be aware of the cost before getting married.

  1. You May Be Required To Take A Japanese Language Course.

In order to obtain a marriage license in Japan, both parties must take and pass a Japanese language proficiency test.

This requirement exists regardless of whether or not either party speaks Japanese fluently.

If you do not already know how to speak the language, this could add an extra level of difficulty (and expense) to your wedding plans.

  1. She May Not Be Willing To Have Children Right Away (Or At All).

In Japan, it is common for couples to wait several years before having children. This is due in part to the high cost of raising children in the country.

Additionally, many women choose to focus on their careers rather than starting a family right away.

If you are hoping to start a family soon after getting married, this may not be the best option for you.

The Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Japanese Woman. Conclusion.

So, is marrying a Japanese woman worth it?

That really depends on what you’re looking for in life and what kind of person you want by your side.

If you’re looking for someone who will be loyal, supportive, and hardworking, then yes, a Japanese wife may be the perfect match for you.

However, if you’re not prepared to deal with some cultural differences or have difficulty communicating, then perhaps marriage to a Japanese woman isn’t right for you.

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to marry a Japanese woman.

While there are certainly some financial, educational, and cultural benefits, there can also be social challenges.

In the end, it is important to make sure you do your research, weigh out the pros and cons, and make an informed decision that is best for you and your partner.

The Pros And Cons Of Marrying A Japanese Woman. A Gaijin Groom's Guide! - Dating Across Cultures (2024)


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Nearly half of Japanese married couples are 'sexless,' survey finds - The Japan Times.

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Marriage to a Japanese national means you are eligible to apply for a spousal visa. That's not the same as eligibility to apply for citizenship or even permanent residency. So no, if you married a Japanese man, that would not immediately or automatically get you a Japanese passport.

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Further, stress experienced in intercultural marriages may also be related to childrearing, time orientation, gender role expectations, connections to extended family, and particularly, which family subsystem will take priority or be dominant.

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Around 41 percent of single men in Japan did not want to marry because they did not want to give up their freedom. In a survey conducted between December 2021 and January 2022, a similar share of male respondents cited the lack of a potential partner as a reason for not getting married.

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Overall, Japanese people, including those who are unmarried, exhibit a reticence toward sex. Nearly 20% of Japanese in their 30s, both men and women, have never had a sex partner, according to a study conducted in 2022 by Peter Ueda, an assistant professor at Sweden's Karolinska Institute.

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In answer to the question, “Have you had an affair or cheated since getting married?” 16.6 percent of men answered said “I previously had an affair” and 7.8 percent said “I am currently having an affair.” As for women, 12.3 percent said they had an affair in the past, while 4.8 percent said they're currently having an ...

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Raising the age of consent to 16 years has placed Japan in a similar spot as several American states and European nations like the United Kingdom, Norway, and Finland. In fact, the minimum age of consent is still 14 in several EU countries like Germany, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Estonia, and Bulgaria.

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For the American Partner …

Japanese law requires all foreigners who marry in Japan to first prepare a sworn Affidavit of Competency to Marry, affirming they are legally free to marry, from their own country's embassy or consulate in Japan. This is a notarial service.

Can you move to Japan if you marry a Japanese woman? ›

If you are married to a Japanese national and want to live in Japan with him/her, you will need a visa for a Spouse or Child of a Japanese National. It is important that your marriage is legal in Japan. This means that you have lodged your marriage at a municipality office where you reside and it is accepted.

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Cross-cultural issues faced by couples include loss of identity, conflicts over differences in fundamental beliefs, clashes in parenting tactics, struggles with unsupportive families and different interpretations of an event relating to some aspect of differing cultures.

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Also known as in-marriage, endogamy is defined as the customary marriage of peoples within their own cultural group or clan.

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While some intercultural couples are more likely to stay together than their culturally matched peers, on average intercultural couples have a 10 percent higher divorce or separation rate (41 versus 31 percent).

Why is divorce so high in Japan? ›

The divorce rate in Japan is rising because there is a tradeoff between marital stability and gender equality. The drive towards equal status between the sexes narrows the dependency between the spouses, and offsets the costs and benefits of marriage.

Can a Japanese marry a non Japanese? ›

Marriage between a Japanese national and a non-Japanese person was first officially permitted by act of law on March 14, 1873 (6th year of the Meiji Period), before the former Meiji Constitution (1889) and the former Nationality Law (1899).

Why is divorce taboo in Japan? ›

Divorced people - particularly women - have long been stigmatized in Japan, where self-sacrifice and family stability are cherished ideals. In the past, bored housewives remained bored. Philandering husbands philandered with impunity. The security of the family unit took precedence.

What percentage of Japanese marriages are sexless? ›

In Japan, a staggering 47.2% reported sexless marriages in 2016. Of these couples, 36% considered divorce, and 27% hadn't had sex for two to six months before being surveyed. Furthermore, 43% of married men feel sexually unsatisfied.

What percent of marriages are sexless? ›

Data from nationally representative US surveys indicate that around 7 percent of married adults haven't had sex in the past year, while 4 percent haven't had sex in the past five years. If you factor in couples who engage in sexual activity on a very infrequent basis, the numbers are even higher (14–15 percent).

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In the article “Sexless Marriage Statistics – Commonality, Divorce Rates, and Other Stats,” author Benjamin Jorgensen claims that a whopping 74.2% of sexless marriages end in divorce.

Do married couples in Japan sleep in the same bed? ›

You might already know that living space in Japan is very small. This factor does not become a reason for married couples to sleep in one bedroom or one bed. It is well-known that, despite of the limited living space Japanese couples make space for separate sleeping environments.

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